Thursday, February 17, 2011

Excellence Is a Habit

In case you are not already familiar with it, the title of the blog partially quotes Aristotle. Despite his high ranking on humanity's pantheon i doubt he ever imagined he would be quoted on this "internet thing"..Already feeling guilty for cutting of part of his thoughts, here are his full words

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit".

Although translated, luckily the meaning is not altered at all. I chose it as my title for three reasons.
It represents me as a person,stating a code i want to live with.
It defines the general nature i would like this blog to have.
Its origin matches my own!

So posts will have topics as philosophy, woman psychology, nerdy math staff, and maybe some small fantasy novels. Arguably some will be more fun than others but i hope even the serious ones will offer food for healthy thinking.Enjoy:) 


  1. Οκ... first of all... a code to live BY and not WITH :p

    And this is the first example of blogging experience... You always set out to do your best, you always try hard to do so... and you always fail excellence... or perfection... or this ideal you have in your thoughts when you start your venture to Ithaca...

    You may even have the humblest of goals... say, I will write one number every day for one day or two... you still have a slight yet ever present chance to fail...

    So many times I have thought to myself... Man... cut the crap with your writing... don't argue with internet people... don't be rigid in your ideas and thoughts and never ever answer while still boiling in anger or frustration with that troll's comment... And seriously now... don't ever, under any circumstances, even if your life is at risk... write about politics on a blog... NEVER!!!

    Still... Every now and then... however scarce these days... I still mess up my rules of excellence... and you know what? It's only natural... I'm just a human being... And also can't shut up... ^_^

    I will fail... hey don't get cocky... you will fail as well... Just try not to embarrass me much though :p

    Anywayz bro... nice you got a blog up and running... It helps a lot when you are abroad :) Keep posting and keep commending on other people's blogs... those who agree will come to you... and so will those who disagree ;)

    Bah... speaking a lot, smelling my own farts...

    Happy writing bro :)

  2. PS... your avatar photo... it looks like a windows desktop... seriously...
